The 2020 World Report Article acclaims that Qatar entered the last year of cooperation with the International Labour Organisation or ILO in late 2019, to look after migrant workers’ conditions and diminish the kafala system that allows employers to control 🔒over the migrant workers.
Qatar is a relatively small country, in terms of area and population, it has over 2 million migrant workers who comprise up to 95% of the country’s total labour force, mainly in construction 🏗👷🚧 and domestic work. The agreement with the ILO improved the system by appointing nondiscriminatory minimum wage💰, ending the need for an exit permit in order to leave the country🛫, and enhancing labour safety and health protocols. However, these reforms are yet to be evenly distributed. Later in 2019, ILO introduced new prescriptions regarding the workers’ freedom of choice, the opportunity to change their employers without employer consent, as well as removing exit permit requirements for most migrant workers.
Besides, throughout 2019, a terrorism crisis with Iran had conducted Qatar to be on the opposing side from the other Arabian countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In mid 2019, travel between these countries and Qatar remained restricted, thus traveling to these countries required ‘humanitarian’❗❓❗ reasons for the visit, additionally, expressing sympathy for Qatar is prosecuted as a crime in UAE.
Respectively, there are many disciplinary skills 💭 necessary in the visit to Qatar, for instance, critical thinking, critical analysis, critical interpretation, research skills, interrogative questioning, curiosity, adaptability, and self-discipline. In my opinion, these skills are essential for extracting the truth of this issue and respecting the different expressions, attitudes, and aspects of this situation.
Vienna: The writer has done an excellent job on the amount of research she has included in her blog, as demonstrated by the incorporation of the 2020 World Report Article and an article relating to Qatar’s total labour force. As furthered by her explanations and arguments on Qatar’s relationships with other Arab countries, as well as skills needed to engage with Qatar when visiting, her blog reads as being informed and informative. Although she engaged with the concept of international engagement, she could’ve engaged with this week’s questions more by relating herself to the blog, which could make her writing even better. Regarding the blogging format, she incorporates hyperlinks into the writing as evidence for her claims. She also includes emojis to make her blogpost more lively. In addition to the image of a soccer stadium, she also includes an informative video explaining the labour situation in Qatar, all of which demonstrates her capability of using the blogging format. Overall, her blog was inspiring to read since she reminds us to use different skills to assess every situation, which is something that I can elaborate on in my blogpost as well.